Dr. Jens Petter Wold is a senior research scientist at Nofima AS, Norwegian Food and Fisheries Research Institute, Norway. He has a PhD in Food science and bio-spectroscopy from The Norwegian University of Life Sciences in Ås, Norway. In 2001-2002 he spent one year at Centre for process analytical chemistry (CPAC) in Seattle, WA. He has published more than 100 scientific papers within the field of rapid and non-destructive quality assessment of foods and is specialized within fluorescence, near-infrared and Raman spectroscopy, including hyperspectral imaging. He has contributed to a successful in-line NIR hyperspectral imaging system (QVision 500, TOMRA) which is used worldwide for in-line food quality control.

Jens Petter is now director of SFI Digital Food Quality (www.digifoods.no), a centre for research driven innovation with the aim of developing smart sensor-driven solutions that deliver the essential food quality information required for successful process optimization and digitalization of the food industry.

+47 95 97 97 49

+47 64 97 02 35



Raw materials and process optimization

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