27 employees
Senior Scientist +47 64 97 04 18
Scientist +47 64 97 04 90
Scientist +47 64 97 03 22
Principal Engineer +47 64 97 02 94
Senior Engineer +47 64 97 03 30
Postdoc +47 64 97 02 24
Senior Engineer +47 64 97 02 85
Meat Technologist +47 64 97 02 74
Scientist +47 64 97 04 53
Postdoc +47 64 97 03 31
Senior Scientist +47 64 97 01 45
Scientist +47 64 97 04 40
Senior Scientist +47 64 97 01 07
Senior Engineer +47 64 97 02 48
Senior Scientist +47 64 97 02 43
Ph.D. Student +47 64 97 04 61
Scientist +47 64 97 04 93
Scientist +47 47 64 97 04 57
Our employees are committed and skilled and contribute to outstanding research, development and innovation for the food of the future.
Found 27 employees. Showing page 1 of 2