Worth knowing Useful knowledge and practical info we would like to share with you. Read in Norwegian Results Topics from A-Z Publications Worth knowing about microwaves in food production Highlights of enzymatic protein hydrolysis Worth knowing about listeria What happens inside rakfisk? 42 highlights from research on closed aquaculture systems Legumes – a source of functional proteins Worth knowing about the complexity of fish feed Worth knowing about high pressure processing of food What is personalized food? Bleeding and residual blood in fish The best way to look after your catch Checklist for fishermen Food and dietary requirements for the elderly How quickly should fish be processed? Food preservation Why the fish shrinks when it’s baked Worth to know about kveik Radio waves in food production Good to know about food-grade kelp How to eat just the right amount? Worth to know about cleaner fish such as lumpfish and ballan wrasse All you need to know about salting fish 5 things you should know about plastic Crash course in live catching 1 2 Next