Sustainable food for all
The Norwegian food research institute Nofima provides research based knowledge and innovations for actors in all parts of the food systems.

Nofima as a partner in EU projects
If you are looking for solid professional expertise, vast experience, strong and competent administrative support and good trial facilities for testing and presentation, then Nofima is your natural choice of partner in EU projects.
We also have a large national and international network with partners in trade and industry, research and the public sector.
Horizon Europe projects we lead or participate in
Nofima Summary
Nofima is run from a business and socially beneficial perspective. The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries in Norway is the largest owner.
Our employees
We have 387 employees with 38 different nationalities.
167 of these have a doctorate degree.
In 2023, we worked on 548 different projects and had a turnover of NOK 721 million. We have customers in 34 countries.