253 Projects found
The goal of the project is to develop new knowledge and solutions that contribute to the efficient, sustainable and profitable utilisation of pink salmon.
2024 - 2026
Funded by
FHF – Norwegian Seafood Research Fund.
The project will co-develop and demonstrate ecosystem-based solutions to accelerate the protection and restoration of biodiversity in marine and coastal areas.
2024 - 2028
Horizon Europe (EU)
Seafood is a healthy and sustainable protein source. However, navigating in the complex world of sustainability in seafood consumption is challenging for the consumer. This project aims to make it easier for the consumer to make conscious choices for a more sustainable diet.
The EpiBrood project will investigate whether different industry broodstock rearing environments and maturation practices used by breeding and multiplier companies in Norway have significant intergenerational (parent-offspring) impacts on phenotypes (e.g. growth) of production fish, whether epigenetic programming is involved and what preventions and treatments might mitigate such effects.
2024 - 2027
In MetoMilo, methods are developed to assess how various influences contribute to the environmental condition in sea areas along the coast.
FHF – Norwegian Seafood Research Fund
The ValueSøl project aims to improve the efficiency for dulce/søl (Palmaria palmata) sporeling production, to promote the production of dulce for human consumption with low carbon footprint and to evaluate dulce cultivation as a mitigating solution for aquaculture effluents discharged to the environment.
Regionale forskningsfond ARKTIS (RFF)
Large areas of the Norwegian coast have extensive sea urchin barrens, where sea urchins have destroyed kelp forests on the seabed. In this project, sea urchins will be removed from barrens in Northern Norway, to investigate the restoration of kelp ecosystems and to identify the optimal use of the sea urchins that is extracted from the barrens.
In this project, the possibilities for a significant reduction of energy consumption and CO2 footprint during the production of fishmeal using new drying technologies are explored.
FHF – Norwegian Seafood Research Fun
The goal of the CRC-3p-project is to trace the carcinogenic potential of red meat and plant-based meat alternatives to reveal the significance of the protein source and the degree of processing (unprocessed, processed, ultra-processed) on colorectal cancer (CRC) development. Additionally, CRC-3p aims to elucidate how dietary patterns may influence the carcinogenic potential of the different processed foods.
2023 - 2027
Norwegian Research Council
Gill health problems remain the top health and welfare-related issue in Norwegian Atlantic salmon aquaculture. The GillHealthAct project responds to this challenge by documenting best practices for prevention and treatment that ensure optimal gill health in farmed salmon.
2023 - 2026
Bread Rescuers
The overall objective of Bread Rescuers is to halve bread waste in Norway. This will be done by developing new solutions based on scientific knowledge and innovative strategies developed in the project.
The Research Council of Norway
MICROORC will develop sustainable solutions that reduce and prevent food spoilage and food waste, with focus on technologies, services, tools, policies, and practices that are based on monitoring, utilizing, and targeting microbiomes in food and the food processing chain.
The project will develop and optimize hydrolysis processes for the production of value products based on protein, oil and DNA from cod milt.
In SalmoE2, we aim to test whether ethyl ester (EE) oil can be used as a safe source of nutritionally beneficial fatty acids in the feed for salmon and trout.
2023 - 2025
Mussel up
Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) can become a local protein ingredient for sustainable growth in the Norwegian aquaculture industry, but there are still major challenges associated with production upscaling and processing into protein ingredients with high nutritional value.
SALMOCODE will tackle the problems of abnormal organ development by detecting its onset as early as possible, using leading edge technology and concepts from genomics and developmental biology. These diagnostics will be used to formulate evidence-based best practices for preventing the appearance of these abnormalities.
In SynoProtein the aim is to develop and demonstrate a carbon-negative process that converts residues from sawmills into single-cell proteins for fish feed, as well as producing biochar for animal feed.
2023 - 2028
FATE targets the engagement of young consumers with sustainable food systems, in collaboration with high school canteens that are about to change their offers to more organic and local produce.
Norwegian Research Council NFR
This is a small selection of the more than 500 projects Nofima is involved in at any given time.
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