I mainly work in the field of food safety, shelf life, quality and processing. I am very interested in new and mild processing technologies. I work with high pressure processing (HPP), microwaves, pulsed electric field (PEF) and ultrasound. Mild processing is often used to obtain food products with a long shelf life and at the same time maintain an optimal quality. I also have interests in combining different processing technologies, and also include different packaging methods. Many new processing technologies can also be used in completely different fields, such as extraction, tenderizing (meat) and to highlight special characteristics of a food. There is growing interest in these fields, and they can be highly relevant in order to utilize our resources in the best possible way. Through my work I have worked with several types

of raw materials, both from the blue (fish, clipfish, salted fish, shrimp, crab) and green sector (meat, vegetables, berries, milk, eggs). I have broad expertise in working with food safety. Over the years, I have worked with many different microorganisms. The main focus has been on vegetative bacteria (including Listeria, Salmonella, E. coli, staphylococci and lactic acid bacteria) and spore formers (Bacillus, Clostridium). But I have also worked with mold, viruses, and bacteriophages. I have experience in managing large projects, also with partners from abroad. I have gained high experience working with different people, and I have also been responsible for several students (PhD, MSc, BSc). My PhD is from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences in the field of molecular biology.

+47 90 72 72 53

+47 51 84 46 81



Processing Technology

Cristin See publications in Cristin