Competence My main competence is within packaging materials and polymer chemistry and I am a member of the packaging research group at Nofima.

My topics of interests are properties of packaging materials, and polymer materials in special. The main focus is on gas and light barrier and other properties or functionality of packaging materials which is important for the quality of food, the interaction of the packaging material with the food, and the effect on the quality/shelf life of food products. I have also some experience on thermoforming of polymer materials, and the effect on properties of the packaging material. The last years I have been involved in nanotechnolgoy in relation to packaging materials and have some knowledge within polymer nanocomposite.
I do also have knowledge on regulations on materials for food contact and assists the Norwegian industry in order to make sure the packaging material used for foods are in accordance with the regulations (in the Emballasjekonvensjonen – Packaging Convention).

I work with both the packaging and food industry in contract works and packaging related research projects dealing with the mentioned topics in addition to topics like packaging methods and shelf life studies.

Education 1993 M. Sc. degree in polymer chemistry from Norwegian University of Technology. 2004 Dr. Scient (PhD) Norwegian Food Research Institute and Agricultural University of Norway. Title of doctoral thesis: The influence of thermoforming method, drawing depth and stability of selected food products.

+47 928 07 951

+47 64 97 02 80



Food safety and quality

Cristin See publications in Cristin