Orchestrating food system microbiomes to minimize food waste

MICROORC will develop sustainable solutions that reduce and prevent food spoilage and food waste, with focus on technologies, services, tools, policies, and practices that are based on monitoring, utilizing, and targeting microbiomes in food and the food processing chain.
01. Nov 2023
31. Oct 2027
Funded by
Horizon Europe (EU)
MICROORC is a multidisciplinary Horizon Europe project with 18 partners from nine different countries. In addition to Nofima, the project partners are: Norsk Kylling AS and Cermaq Norway AS (Norway), Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Vizelpas Comercio de Artigos Plasticos Limitada, Primor Charcutaria Prima and Lusiaves (Portugal), bioMérieux SA, Ifremer and CITPPM (France), University of Copenhagen and Chr. Hansen AS (Denmark), RISE – Research Institutes of Sweden and Innoscentia AB (Sweden), University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest (Hungary), Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Finland), CiaoTech (Italy), and Noel Alimentaria SA (Spain).
Project Manager(s):
Solveig Langsrud
Antje Gonera
Annette Fagerlund
Anne Risbråthe
Other Participants:
Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen
Oda Bjørnsborg
Wenche Aale Hægermark
Ingrid Måge
Valérie Lengard Almli
Mari Øvrum Gaarder
Stine Alm Hersleth
Even Heir
Trond Møretrø
Birgitte Moen
Anlaug Ådland Hansen
Nusrat Sharmin
Anette Wold Åsli
Tove Maugesten
Charlotte Kummen
Gard Wigdahl Karlsnes
Stine Thøring Juul-Dam
Merete Rusås Jensen
Magnhild Seim Grøvlen
Mats Carlehøg
Ingunn Berget
The aim of MICROORC is to reduce waste of perishable foods in retail and household.
Both Food Waste and Foodborne illnesses are huge problems. MICROORC will be part of the solution for both.
- In the EU, over 58 million tonnes of food waste (131 kg/inhabitant) are generated annually, with an associated market value estimated at 132 billion euros.
- Regarding foodborne illnesses, there were 5,763 foodborne outbreaks in the EU in 2022, a 44% increase compared with 2021.
MICROORC will develop microbial business solutions across five areas selected for the potential for predicting and extending shelf-life, reduction in food waste and fostering a sustainable food system:
- Predictive analytics models incorporating microbiome information to predict shelf-life
- Time-temperature indicators (TTIs), sensoring and smart label solutions for dynamic shelf-life labelling
- Rapid detection assays for microbial indicators of food spoilage
- Microbiome based protection technologies to replace synthetic chemicals and increase shelf life and safety
- Novel packaging solutions targeting spoilage for sustainable development and increased shelf-life
MICROORC will support the transition to more sustainable and healthy food systems by considering raw chicken and salmon as well as plant-based meat analogues.
To demonstrate the industrial, social, and economic relevance of the MICROORC innovations, the project will evaluate consumer acceptance and the environmental sustainability aspects of all stages of the product life cycle, identify and help resolve legislative and regulatory challenges to implementation of new technologies, and propose a novel policy framework for microbiome control in the food system.
Updates from the project