The overall goal of the project is to increase understanding of and strengthen consumers contribution to, a sustainable Norwegian food system. The research project will, among other things, map how consumer choices and behaviour have an impact on the value chain for food.

Last update

Read in Norwegian


01. Apr 2021


31. Mar 2025

Funded by

The Research Council of Norway


The research project is led by Nofima, in collaboration with 26 partners from research, industry, the public sector and non-profit organizations. Participants in the project: BaRe, Grønt Punkt Norge AS, GS1 Norway, INN – Høgskolen i Innlandet, Karlstad University, Keep-it Technologies AS, Loop, Matprat (Nortura SA), Matvett AS, Mills AS, Multivac AS, NIBIO, NMBU, Nofima, NorgesGruppen ASA, NORSUS, Nortura SA, Orkla Foods Norge AS, OsloMet, Rema Distribusjon Norge AS, Rema 1000, Ruralis, Tromsø Kommune, Tromsø Matsentral, Vitenparken Campus Ås, Wipak Norway og Æra Strategic Innovation AS.


The overall goal of the project is to increase understanding of and strengthen consumers contribution to, a sustainable Norwegian food The entire value chain for food must be re-evaluated. The use of resources must be more efficient, food waste must be reduced, and the diet must be adjusted. Reports such as “Klimakur 2030” have pointed to specific measures aimed at consumers to meet these challenges. There is no way around it; consumers must contribute to the shift toward a sustainable diet. To achieve this, we must re-think. There is a need to make changes in consumer behaviour related to food choice, food waste and recycling of packaging materials.   


The main goal of the project is to enable and strengthen consumers’ contribution to achieving a sustainable Norwegian food system. 

To enable this, the project aims to: 

  • Develop intervention strategies, industry- and policy recommendations for reduced food waste, healthy and sustainable diets, and increased recycling of food packaging. 
  • Refine scientific knowledge on what sustainable food means in the Norwegian agroindustry context. 
  • Develop knowledge, awareness, and new sustainability habits in the younger generation. 
  • Elaborate on industry solutions that support consumers in embracing sustainable behaviours. 
  • Optimize the dynamics of the online shopping value chain toward higher resource efficiency, lower food waste, and lower climate impact from producer to consumer. 


The project will carry out the following tasks: 

  1. Identify consumer typology and behaviour change   
  1. Evaluating behavioural effects on the value chain 
  1. Educate young generations and connected citizens 
  1. Develop industrial innovations 
  1. Project communication and dissemination 

The project consists of five work packages and four cases. These are outlined in the figure below.  
