I am a Research Director in the Seafood Industry Department. Our activities include quality assurance and processing of fish and seafood, traditional processing methods, and the development of measurement techniques and methods for determining quality.

Our department is focused on developing a fundamental understanding of raw materials and processes in seafood. Our research aims to develop processes and tools that ensure the quality of fish and shellfish from the moment they are harvested from the sea, through the initial handling of the raw material and the ensuing process leading up to the finished product.

We work with research issues that provide relevant and actionable results for the seafood sector, including the industry, processing plants and fishing vessels.
I have previously worked as a scientist at Nofima with methods based on optics and spectroscopy. A key task has been to develop tools that can determine the quality of the fish, such as freshness or quality flaws such as anomalous colour or defective processes.

I have a PhD in measurement technology from Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), and am a graduate engineer in physics/measurement engineering from the University in Tromsø.

+47 997 11 167

+47 77 62 90 04



Seafood industry

Cristin See publications in Cristin