The goal of the centre was a paradigm shift within fisheries technology.

Last update

Read in Norwegian


01. Apr 2011


30. Mar 2019

Funded by

The Research Council of Norway


The Institute of Marine Research in Norway is hosting the centre. Partners are Scantrol AS, Kongsberg Maritim AS / Simrad, Egerssund Group AS, Nergård Havfiske AS, The Norwegian Fishermen’s` sales organisation for pelagic fish and The Norwegian Fishermen's Sales Organisation.

CRISP, the Centre for Research-based Innovation in Sustainable fish capture and Processing technology, started its research activities in April 2011 and ended up 30 Mars 2019.

The Center for Research-based Innovation in Sustainable fish capture and Processing technology aimed to enhance the position of Norwegian fisheries-related companies as leading suppliers of equipment and seafood through the development of sustainable trawl and purse seine technology.


The main goal of the center has been to develop “smart technologies” which may lead to responsible fisheries and at the same time improve the profitability of the fishing fleet and supporting industries.


  1. To develop and implement instrumentation to identify species and sizes prior to the catching process.
  2. To develop and implement instrumentation for commercial fishing to monitor fish behavior and gear performance during fishing operations.
  3. To develop methods and instrumentation to actively release unwanted bycatch unharmed during trawl and purse seine fishing.
  4. To develop new trawl designs that minimize the environmental impact on bottom habitats and reduce air pollution.
  5. To develop capture and handling practices to optimize quality and thus value of captured fish.
  6. To analyze and document the economic benefits to the fishing industry resulting from implementation of the new tech-nologies developed by the project


Industry partners

  • Kongsberg Maritime AS, Simrad
  • Scantrol Deep Vision AS
  • The Egersund Group AS
  • Nergård Havfiske AS

Research partners

  • Institute of Marine Research (IMR)
  • Nofima AS
  • University of Bergen
  • University of Tromsø


  • Norges Råfisklag
  • Norges Sildesalgslag

Work packages

The research of the Centre was organized in six scientific work packages

1. Pre-catch identification of quantity, size distribution and species com-position
2. Gear and catch monitoring systems in purse seine
3. Methods for capture monitoring and catch control during trawling
4. Development of low-impact trawls
5. Quality improvement
6. Value adding

Nofima was responsible for the work in work package 5 and 6 (Quality improvement and Value adding).

WP5 Quality improvement

The Norwegian fleet of trawlers has gone through substantial changes since the turn of the millennium.

In CRISP, one aim has been to increase the quality and the value of the raw material through altering the way the trawl is used and how the catch is treated. Better quality can be achieved by minimizing stress during trawling, and by implementing new technologies that makes the handling of the catch more lenient.

Studies of the effects of different stressors on fish during capture and handling have been carried out aboard fishing vessels as well as in controlled experimental studies in CRISP’s large-scale trawl simulator.

Experiments in collaboration with Nergård Havfiske AS has shown that applying handling techniques similar to those used in capture-based aquaculture (gentle handling, storing in live fish tanks before slaughter, automatic stunning and bleeding, and others) has a positive effect on fish quality.

WP6 – Value adding

The activity in this work package has been aimed at measuring the value creation and sustainability of the new technologies developed through the activities of CRISP.

CRISP has focused on two vessel groups: demersal trawlers and purse seiners.

In the initial phase, the economic status of the vessel groups was surveyed. Thereafter, the development of the vessel groups has then been monitored throughout the 8-years period of CRISP.

This has been the basis for measuring the effect of the new technologies that have been developed through the work in CRISP.

In this WP models have been developed that visualizes how technology development has affected the environment and value creation in the form of reduced fuel consumption and improved quality.

