Ulrike Böcker
Principal Engineer
Present position: PostDoc. Degrees: Ph.D. Norwegian University of Life Sciences, 2008 M.Sc. (Diplom) Food Science and Technology from the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart, Germany (2003)
Research experience & interests: My main field of interest is vibrational spectroscopy in particular FT-IR spectroscopy. FT-IR microspectroscopy in combination with histology and application of FT-IR microspectroscopy to investigate the effect of food manufacturing processes on muscle foods, primarily on muscle proteins have been the focus of my Ph.D work. A further interest of mine is optimization of cultivation and preparation of microbial liquid cultures for improving FT-IR as a high-throughput application for characterization of microorganisms.
In addition, my work with spectroscopic data requires the use multivariate methods, e.g. for integrating spectroscopic data with other types of information.
Raw materials and process optimization
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My Projects
My publications
Ulrike Böcker has 50 publications at Nofima: