Food and health Read in Norwegian Research director Kristin Hollung Research Director +47 64 97 01 42 Research areas Sustainability Nofima’s research into the food we eat takes account of the four dimensions of sustainability: environmental, economic, social and institutional. Innovation research Three factors – new technology, new sales channels and changing consumption patterns – affect innovation in the food industry. Diet and health A healthy, sustainable diet requires knowledge of the interplay between raw materials, ingredients, processes and products. Food from new sources New knowledge and technologies make it possible to produce food to feed the world’s growing population in brand-new ways. Food systems Everything is connected. Product development Innovative technology, new raw materials and better utilisation of raw materials. Our researchers are continuously working on many types of product development. Food processing technologies We conduct research into a number of new technologies and methods for gentler food processing. Raw material knowledge Our knowledge of the raw materials, their properties and what happens to them during various production processes and our knowledge of processing and storage factors enables us to know how to maximise food quality. Employees Kjersti Aaby Senior Scientist Simon Ballance Senior Scientist Silje Kristine Bergum Senior Engineer Grethe Iren Andersen Borge Senior Scientist Tzvetelin Teodossiev Dessev Senior Scientist Sveinung Grimsby Scientist Sidsel Fiskaa Hagen Scientist Jannie Haraldstad Project co-ordinator John-Erik Haugen Senior Scientist Nils Olav Heggdalsvik Baker Anton Hennig Senior Engineer Kristin Hollung Research Director Ann Katrin Holtekjølen Scientist Silje Johansen Head of Laboratory Cecilia Midtsund Kippe Adviser Dejan Knezevic Senior Engineer Svein Halvor Knutsen Senior Scientist Shaun Leivers Scientist Sara Mohamed Gaber Mohamed Postdoc Astrid Nilsson Senior Scientist Anne Rieder Scientist Gesine Schmidt Scientist Øydis Ueland Senior Scientist Heini Virtanen Engineer Elin Merete Wetterhus Senior Engineer