I work as a researcher on fruits and vegetables, focusing on health and taste-related properties of their components. I am particularly interested in what happens in the plants when they are exposed to different types of stressors, such as light, temperature and storage, and how to preserve the optimal quality and health properties of fruits and vegetables from harvest until they reach the consumer.

My educatioonal background is in biology and chemistry, with a specialization in plant physiology from Ålesund University College, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (cans.scient., 2002) and Norwegian University of Life Sciences (dr.scient., 2006).

Since then, I have held two postdoctoral positions at NMBU and Nofima, and as of December 2015 I have been employed as a research scientist at Nofima.

+47 924 34 425

+47 64 97 04 41



Food and health

Cristin See publications in Cristin