I work as an advisor in the Food and Health department, and I am responsible for Nofima’s pilot plant for vegetables, where process trials are carried out in connection with our client and research projects. A typical research project may involve comparing organoleptic properties, or the composition of beneficial compounds in berries by different processing methods. I teach classes on the processing of fruits, vegetables and berries for local food producers via Kompetansenettverket. Here, we can try out various recipes for making e.g. jams and jellies, and learn more about what it takes to preserve the right flavour and consistency and as much of the beneficial properties of the berries.

I also assist food producers with challenges related to production methods and products, e.g. microbial growth or incorrect appearance and consistency. I have a master’s degree in Food Science from NMBU (2012), and professional experience from different roles in the brewing industry.

+47 46 69 32 42

+47 64 97 01 24



Food and health