Tzvetelin Teodossiev Dessev
Senior Scientist
I am a researcher in the Food and Health Department. My current research activities are related to new raw materials with high nutritional value and techno-functional properties and process structuration of plant-based meat analogues. I have a Ph.D. in food process engineering and an MSc degree in Mechanical engineering (Engineering and design of food processing equipment). My main research aspirations are focused on rheology and food structure engineering. Special interests also include fluid dynamics (mixing, blending, emulsifying, aeration) and heat and mass transfer modeling, extrusion, and image analysis.
During my research career, I worked as a research officer at Massey University, New Zealand (2012-2014) where I was involved in an industry-funded project (Fonterra) on pasta-filata cheese matrix structuration by thermo-mechanical treatment and process scale-up. In 2008, I was employed as a post-doc researcher at ENITIAA, France where my work was mainly focused on innovative approaches in bake-off technology (BOT) for reduced energy demand. I have an academic career as an Associate Professor at the University of Food Technologies, Bulgaria (2005-2022) where I was lecturing BSc and MSc student courses in food structure engineering, food rheology, and engineering and design of food processing equipment.