268 Projects found
The aim of the project is to learn about chefs' attitudes of farmed cod from Norway.
2022 - 2022
Funded by
In this project we develop and test a handheld instrument for measuring the water content of clipfish.
FHF – Norwegian Seafood Research Fund
In GutFeedingNow we study the health implications of new plant-based ingredients and products based on Norwegian raw materials, with focus on protein digestibility and effects on the gut microbiota and gut health.
2021 - 2025
Forskningsmidlene for jordbruk og matindustri (FFL/JA)
Chicken Health
Under our "Chicken Health" project we will be investigating the molecular mechanisms that cause some chickens to develop wooden breast syndrome.
The Research Council of Norway
The main objective is to map the incidence of dark spots in salmon fillets originating from the Norwegian salmon farming industry. In addition to general mapping, the project will also have a subsidiary objective of mapping the incidence in relation to where (geography) and how (technology) salmon is produced.
2021 - 2026
In COOLFISH, we will investigate the role of embryonic temperature on the development and function of the Atlantic salmon immune system later in life, and exploit this knowledge to enhance fish health, welfare and production.
Taco Algae
In this project we focus on a total circular economic approach to evaluate the potential of the two red macroalgae Furcellaria lumbricalis and Schizymenia jonssonii.
2021 - 2024
Blue Bio Cofund/The Norwegian Research Council
The EcoeFISHent research project aims for a more sustainable use of marine sidestreams in Northwest Italy through collaboration between actors from the fishery and agricultural industries in the region.
EU - Horizon 2020
In the project we aim to develop novel, sustainable, and nutritious hybrid meat analogue products based on high moisture extrusion technology, combining plant proteins with ingredients derived from fish and poultry by-products, seaweed, microalgae, and insect larvae.
Fish shells contains collagen, and it is desirable to see if the shells can be used for the production of fish gelatin to be used further in bioplastics.
2021 - 2021
In this project, we investigated the potential of farmed cod in the restaurant market. We let experienced chefs test the fish, document production costs and wastage, and compared the quality of farmed cod and wild cod.
In this project, we investigate the quality characteristics of pink salmon, a species that is currently invading the Norwegian coast. We also explore possibilities in utilising it as a food resource.
RAS 4.0
The main objective of RAS 4.0 is to improve fish wellbeing and production efficiency and reduce operational risks by developing integrated control systems for water quality, feeding and energy optimization.
The scientists will develop new methods for tailoring bioaktive peptides from poultry by-products and Calanus finmarchicus.
The goal of this project is to identify which active substances in herring roe produce healing effects in mild to moderate psoriasis.
2021 - 2023
Sustainable Eaters
The overall goal of the project is to increase understanding of and strengthen consumers contribution to, a sustainable Norwegian food system. The research project will, among other things, map how consumer choices and behaviour have an impact on the value chain for food.
This project addresses the key aim for a sustainable and low emission food system transition in Norway by seeking a better understanding of what can be changed and how such changes can be facilitated.
The Research Council of Norway - Collaborative and Knowledge-building Project
A primary goal in this project is to contribute to restructuring the farm to fork food systems in Norway towards a more sustainable and “green” value chain.
This is a small selection of the more than 500 projects Nofima is involved in at any given time.
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