I am a senior researcher in the “Foodsafety and quality” department. My research mainly deals with mycology (mould problem in food production), but I also have experience with other microbiological issues like technologies for reducing growth of microbes in . I have experience in HACCP (both courses and supervision of companies), assessment of risk in the production of food and problem solving in relation to microbiological challenges. I am program manager of the strategic research programme “FutureFoodControl- future solutions for safe food, reduced food waste and sustainable packaging”.

Participation in the EU framework programme for research is important for Nofima. I manage the Nofima’s EU group and I am responsible for following up Nofima’s EU strategy. My education is Cand. Agric. in Food Sciences from NLH/NMBU (1996), and Dr. Scient. from the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science/NMBU (2002). The topic of my thesis was Mould contamination in cheese production, and the major course was foodhygiene

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+47 64 97 03 32



Innovation, consumer and sensory sciences

Cristin See publications in Cristin