Food safety and quality Read in Norwegian Research director Helga Næs Research Director +47 64 97 02 96 Research director Packaging solutions Proper packaging prolongs food’s shelf life. Shelf life and food safety Food should be safe and of good quality to maximise shelf life. Preservation Food can be processed in a wide variety of ways, both to remain edible for a long time but also to achieve the desired properties. Quality and measurement methods New technology – including light-based measurement – enables us to measure food quality at industrial speed. At Nofima, we are constantly developing new areas of use for new technology. Food processing technologies We conduct research into a number of new technologies and methods for gentler food processing. Food systems Everything is connected. Employees Anette Wold Åsli Senior Engineer Lars Axelsson Senior Scientist Annette Fagerlund Senior Scientist Laura García Calvo Scientist Magnhild Seim Grøvlen Senior Engineer Randi Merete Gursli Laboratory Technician Anlaug Ådland Hansen Senior Scientist Hilde Haver Laboratory Technician Even Heir Senior Scientist Merete Rusås Jensen Senior Engineer Charlotte Kummen Senior Engineer Lena Maria Langeland Project co-ordinator Solveig Langsrud Senior Scientist Hanne Larsen Senior Scientist Dongfang Li Scientist Agnete Jordhøy Lindstad Ph.D. Student Tove Maugesten Head of Laboratory Birgitte Moen Scientist Trond Møretrø Scientist Helga Næs Research Director Marit Kvalvåg Pettersen Senior Scientist Ida Rud Scientist Jawad Sarfraz Scientist Nusrat Sharmin Scientist Ida-Helene Kågen Spydevold Adviser Dimitrios Tzimorotas Principal Engineer