Evaluation of Morphological and Quality Parameters in Adult Male Red King Crabs (Paralithodes camtschaticus) Raised to Commercial Weight from Juveniles
Publication details
Journal : Aquaculture Research , vol. 2023 , p. 1–11 , 2023
Publisher : John Wiley & Sons
International Standard Numbers
Publication type : Academic article
Research areas
Quality and measurement methods
Capture fisheries
Farmed fish
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Chief Librarian
Red king crab (RKC) has become a valuable resource, and most of this fishery operates in a quota-regulated area (QRA) east of 26°E. West of the QRA, a free fishery area (FFA) is established to limit further migration. Today, juvenile RKCs from the FFA are not utilized. This study investigated morphological and quality parameters in adult RKCs (≥800 g) after live holding (LH) of 23 months starting from juveniles (on average 500 g). During the LH, the RKCs were kept in two separate tanks, one at ambient seawater temperature (AST) and one at elevated seawater temperature (AST-E). The RKCs were fed ad libitum. Both tanks were divided into two sections, one with a sand tray. After 23 months, the RKCs were processed and analyzed. The hepatosomatic index, abdomen index, meat content, cluster yield, moisture, whiteness index, and instrumental chewiness differed significantly () between the wild RKCs and the RKCs from one or both LH groups. The availability of sand indicated improved habitat conditions as several parameters were positively affected. Also, lower variation in morphology and quality parameters of the processed muscle was observed in RKCs from the subgroups with access to sand than those without sand.