Wild fish can be kept alive after being caught to increase both quality and value. Nofima’s research community has played a key role in the development of the method, and works closely with the industry to improve both technology and fish welfare.

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In 2010, The Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs established a national centre of excellence in capture-based aquaculture at Nofima in Tromsø. 

The centre has a particular focus on the live storage of cod and crabs, and collaborates closely with industry actors from both the fishing fleet and land-based industries. When developing products, methods and technology that increase catch value, we keep the entire value chain in mind.

We provide

  • Research on the capture, transport, reception and storage of fish, crustaceans and sea urchins.
  • Land-based research facilities for conducting product and logistics testing in connection with live seafood.
  • Technology developments related to pumping technologies, transport tanks, net-pens for live fish reception and storage, and slaughter lines.
  • Research on technology and methods for ensuring optimum quality.
  • Research on physiology, stress and restitution, behaviour and criteria for ensuring good welfare.
  • Advice on nutrition and management.
  • Guidance in the form of handbooks and manuals.

The researchers at the centre mainly study the storage of cod that is caught in the spring and harvested 3 to 20 weeks later. The researchers are also working with a number of other species.

We have established our own research facility in which we develop new transport methods for species such as red king crab and langoustines. In recent years, there has also been a lot of activity involving the handling of live snow crabs, where we study welfare and quality conditions.

An important task for the centre is to share research-based knowledge . We do this by participating in various courses, publishing factsheets and handbooks, and also through an annual workshop where industry, management and research meet to present and discuss relevant issues.

Worth knowing



Visiting adress

Nofima AS
Muninbakken 9-13, Breivika
9291 Tromsø