Philip James is a senior scientist who is a highly motivated and has more than 25 years of dedicated aquaculture experience. He has worked at Nofima in Tromsø in the Aquaculture Production Department (Aquaculture Division) for ten years with a focus on the aquaculture of low trophic marine species. He has investigated all aspects of wild collection, roe enhancement and farming of sea urchins. In addition, he is been involved in a range of projects on other low trophic species such as king crab, snow crab and macroalage.

Prior to joining Nofima he worked in New Zealand in the Aquaculture division of NIWA on a range of novel aquaculture species including sea urchins, sea horses, sea cucumbers and range of finfish. More recently, in addition to a range of national projects on low trophic species he has been involved in the coordination of a large H2020 project on developing low trophic aquaculture Value chains across the Atlantic (AquaVitae).

+47 48 16 82 63

+47 77 62 91 27



Production biology

Cristin See publications in Cristin