Ripple effects of the processing industry for wild-caught fish in Norway
Publication details
Publisher : Nofima
International Standard Numbers
Publication type : Nofima’s reports
Series : Nofima rapportserie 45/2024
Year : 2024
Research areas
Capture fisheries
Resource management
Societal impact
Economy and profitability
If you have questions about the publication, you may contact Nofima’s Chief Librarian.
Kjetil Aune
Chief Librarian
In 2023, the fishing industry based on wild-caught fish consisted of more than 300 companies, of which 290 produce for human consumption and the rest for meal/oil and marine ingredients. Total employment is 16 300 (9800 persons in the core activity and 6500 as ripple effect in supplier industries). Value creation in the industry was 7,3 billion NOK in 2023, while the value added per employee was NOK 740,000 for the wild-caught fish-processing industry in 2023. We see that fishmeal and -oil production creates the highest value with a value added per employee of NOK 2.1 million, while the average for industrial production in mainland Norway is 939 000 NOK