The goal is to facilitate sustainable cooperation between national and international research funding bodies in the area of food authenticity, to improve the competitiveness of the food supply chain and the consumer confidence in it, by means of better‐coordinated, cost‐effective R&D.

Last update

Read in Norwegian


01. Apr 2016


31. Mar 2018

Funded by

EU - Horizon 2020


19 participants from 12 countries. Coordinated by FERA (UK)

Project Manager(s):

Petter Olsen

The profile of food authenticity in Europe has never been higher, in large part due to recent food fraud incidents such as the horsemeat scandal in 2013.

As a result, the last few years have seen the launch of several major initiatives to counter food fraud and assure the integrity of the food supply chain.

One issue however, is a lack of cohesion and coordination of research acitivities between countries, possibly contributing to a duplication of effort.

Authent-Net will:

  • Bring together relevant MS R&D budget holders to coordinate inter-disciplinary research effort and build a cohesive and sustainable network
  • Undertake stocktaking of existing national research and assess against the international landscape
  • Establish transnational mechanisms and instruments for collating and exchanging information on food authenticity research
  • Develop a high level research and innovation strategy for transnational research and a rationale for a potential ERANET on food authenticity
