Starting high or low in English auctions? The caseof frozen saithe in Norway
Publication details
Journal : Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (JAAEA) , p. 1–13 , 2024
Publisher : John Wiley & Sons
International Standard Numbers
Publication type : Academic article
Research areas
Economy and profitability
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Kjetil Aune
Chief Librarian
This study investigates the role of starting prices in sequentially ascending (English) auctions. Applying binary logit and hedonic price models on a unique data set comprising 8217 auctioned lots of frozen saithe, an important species in Norwegian fisheries, we find support for three hypotheses; that low starting prices will lead to a higher share of successful auctions, a higher number of participating bidders, and higher final prices. These results indicate that starting prices in English auctions are important for both seller revenue and auction efficiency and are important with respect to strategic behavior in auction markets for food commodities.