Carbon-negative process of wood biomass

In SynoProtein the aim is to develop and demonstrate a carbon-negative process that converts residues from sawmills into single-cell proteins for fish feed, as well as producing biochar for animal feed.
01. Sep 2023
28. Feb 2028
Funded by
Horizon Europe (EU)
The project is coordinated by Wai environmental solutions AS, Norway. Other partners: Sintef, Skretting, Bergene Holm AS og Norsus, all from Norway. and RISE, Sweden, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Denmark, Dechema Gesellschaft fur Chemischetechnik und biotechnologie, Germany and Høgskolen i Borås, Sweden.
Project Manager(s):
Other Participants:
Furthermore, for every dry tonne of sawmill by-product that it processes, the system can capture the equivalent of 1.97 tonnes of CO2.
By transforming low-value by-products into high-value bio-products, SynoProtein will provide a sustainable alternative protein source to soybean, cultivation of which is energy and climate intensive, and wild fish protein, resources of which are limited. It will thus help to meet future protein demand, while addressing negative environmental impacts of and adding value to of sawmill residue management and aquaculture
Sawmills and the overall forest industry have problems for several years related to realizing values in residues from wood production, due to high transportation costs needed for sawmill by-products. The result is overflowing piles with sawmill residues.
If the volume of the residues, which is typically 45-50 percent of the total wood logs processed, is difficult to sell, the best case could be that it will limit the sawmills production capacity.
The value chains related with sawmill and fish farming create negative impacts for the environment, requiring novel climate-friendly processes, such as SynoProtein which further can combine both industries to develop local sustainable feed ingredients for aquaculture industry.
SynoProtein project aims to develop, upscale and demonstrate a novel carbon-negative process that enables high value creation from sawmill by-products through carbon capture and use (CCU).
What we do
The SynoProtein partners will demonstrate implementation of the process to a pilot factory.
Produced single cell protein will be tested i feeds to Atlantic salmon in a digestibility study performed by Skretting and growth study at Nofima.