Published 2024

Read in Norwegian

Publication details

Journal : African Journal of Marine Science , vol. 46 , p. 239–245 , 2024

Publisher : NISC - National Inquiry Services Centre

International Standard Numbers :
Printed : 1814-232X
Electronic : 1814-2338

Publication type : Academic literature review

Contributors : Gleadall, Ian; Barkai, Amos; Lajbner, Zdenek; McIntyre, Peter B.; Moustahfid, Hassan; Olsen, Petter; Oyanedel, Rodrigo; Pang, Yumeng; Pierce, Graham J; Quesada, Lauren; Sauer, Warwick; Žifčáková, Lucia; Zoral, M.A.; Willette, Demian A.

Issue : 4

Research areas

Resource management


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Chief Librarian


This review presents a synopsis of advances in some techniques and technologies that support seafood traceability while addressing some of the complexities currently challenging the integration necessary to coordinate commercial, national and international efforts in achieving seafood sustainability. These advances rely on tools such as blockchain data handling, eDNA or eRNA (together ‘eNA’) sampling, DNA metabarcoding, artificial intelligence and mobile applications. The microbiota associated with seafood organisms can also be monitored using eNA, to enable detection and management of any potential pathogenic developments in wild or aquaculture stocks. For successful and efficient traceability, it is necessary to guarantee data reliability and to support regulatory auditing. To ensure sustainability, however, also requires sampling, monitoring and assessments of the resource status as well as appropriate management. Effective traceability of seafood-related products will also help to resolve other problems,


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