Industrial solution for thawing and chilling of mackerel for filleting
Publication details
Publisher : Nofima AS
International Standard Numbers
Publication type : Nofima’s reports
Series : Nofima rapportserie 30/2022
Year : 2022
Research areas
Quality and measurement methods
If you have questions about the publication, you may contact Nofima’s Chief Librarian.
Kjetil Aune
Chief Librarian
In order to develop and adjust thawing and cooling technology adapted to the production of mackerel fillets, for export to markets in Asia, Skaginn 3X has carried out an FHF-funded Project in Business, in close collaboration with the pelagic processing company Vikomar, and with support from Nofima. Development of technology, process and knowledge about filleting mackerel in Norway has had a high priority in Norwegian processing companies for a number of years. Several projects have been carried out in this area, but still it remains to improve parts of the process that can contribute to reduced production costs and/or increased quality of the finished product. The main objective is for Norwegian-produced mackerel fillets to become competitive in relation to similar production in low-cost countries. It was a great advantage to be able to build on technology and equipment that is in commercial use for similar sub-processes, albeit for fish species other than mackerel. Based on Skaginn 3x (Baader´s) Rotex tanks, with water/brine as thawing/cooling medium, and good control over the speed of the medium, as well as product flow and residence time, much was in place at the start of the project. By combining solutions for thawing and cooling, the result is a rational plant that works industrially for both fresh and frozen mackerel. The experiments were carried out at almost full scale. This provides the most realistic conditions possible and can also be combined with regular production, which is crucial when the amount of raw material included in a full plant is estimated to be 10-20 tons. Vikomar's own development work, with continuous adjustments and adaptations, has resulted in the facility being used for commercial fillet production, soon after all technical deficiencies and run-in problems had been resolved.