Process optimization and possible use of salt substitutes with a view to salt reduction in smoked salmon products (OptiSalm). Sub-report for sensory profiling of smoked salmon with salt substitutes
Publication details
Publisher : Nofima AS
International Standard Numbers
Publication type : Nofima’s reports
Series : Nofima rapportserie 21/2021
Year : 2021
Research areas
Sensory sciences
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Kjetil Aune
Chief Librarian
Smoked fish is one of approximately 100 food categories where indicative salt measurements have been prepared. In order to meet the goals and requirements for salt reduction, the Norwegian salmon industry has worked systematically to reduce the salt content of the products. When salt (NaCl) is reduced or NaCl is replaced with salt substitutes, this could affect not only the salt taste, but the overall taste profile of the product, which in turn will affect the consumer's acceptance and preference. A total of six cold-smoked salmon products were produced in a smoked salmon processing plant followed by a full descriptive sensory analysis in accordance with ISO 13299: 2016. Two of the products were controls (commercial and experimental control), the other four had different salt substitutes and levels (2.1% NaCl + 0.9% KCl, 3% NuTek 78300, 3% NaCl + 0.9% Provian NDV and 3% NuTek + 0.9% Provian NDV). NuTek is a salt replacer containing 70 % NaCl and 30 % KCl. Provian NDV is a fermentate with acetate as main ingredient providing growth inhibitory effects on bacteria including Listeria monocytogenes. The descriptive analysis was carried out by Nofima's sensory panel consisting of trained assessors. All products were evaluated on 23 different sensory attributes related to smell, taste and texture. Only nine of the sensory attributes were significantly different and it was the commercial smoked salmon that differed most from the other samples. The salt taste was significantly different, but the differences are assumed to be too small for a consumer to add more to this. Based on this, we conclude that the salt substitutes that were tested in this experiment can be used to produce salt-reduced smoked salmon without changing the taste profile to any appreciable degree. However, it would be recommended that salt substitute with NuTek undergo a new assessment to omit possible challenges associated with a sandy surface.