Communities on Food Consumer Science
The COMFOCUS overall objective is to integrate key European research infrastructures in the field of food consumer science, in order to promote their optimal use and joint development.
01. Mar 2021
28. Feb 2025
Funded by
Horizon 2020 (European Union)
Wageningen University and Research, Aarhus University, University of Surrey, Josef Stefan Institute, SPI, JDLC, IRTA, UNIBO, UOG, University of Trento, Slovak University of Agriculture, University of Turku, Noldus
Project Manager(s):
Other Participants:
Watch a film about the Horizon 2020-project COMFOCUS.
The consumer food science field operates without sufficient levels of harmonisation in measures, technologies and research protocols, hampering adequate integration, transnational and virtual access to Research Infrastructure, and optimal (re-)usage of installations, data and insights obtained.
This is withholding the food consumer science field from being the harmonised data-rich science it could be in contributing to European healthy food choice public policies and private strategies.
The COMFOCUS overall objective is to integrate key European research infrastructures in the field of food consumer science, in order to promote their optimal use and joint development.
Sub goals
- Provide the academic and private research community with easy virtual and transnational access to high quality services and resources.
- Harmonize and professionalize the European food consumer science community (harmonised data-rich science)
- Increase the business and policy relevance of food consumerscience insights, by building on FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Inter-operable & Re-usable) and Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) data principles
What we do:
In COMFOCUS Nofima works with defining harmonised self-reported measures and protocols and develop common guidelines for measurements of food consumer science.
Furthermore Nofima works with developing harmonised protocols and guidelines for new technologies measuring behaviour, with emphasis on developing harmonised text mining procedures.