15 employees
Scientist +47 77 62 91 06
Project co-ordinator +47 77 62 92 00
Research Technician +47 64 97 03 83
Scientist +47 64 97 03 80
Scientist +47 77 62 91 40
Research Director, Acting +47 77 62 92 04
Scientist +47 64 97 04 45
Senior Scientist +47 64 97 03 91
Senior Scientist +47 64 97 04 84
Senior Scientist +47 64 97 01 14
Senior Project Developer +47 77 62 90 75
Scientist +47 47 77 62 91 20
Scientist +47 64 97 04 12
Scientist +47 64 97 04 49
Senior Scientist +47 64 97 04 50
Our employees are committed and skilled and contribute to outstanding research, development and innovation for the food of the future.