Comparative basal transcriptome profiles of the gills and olfactory rosette of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) unveil shared and distinct immunological features
Publication details
Journal : Genomics , 2023
Publisher : Academic Press
International Standard Numbers
Publication type : Academic article
Research areas
Farmed fish
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Chief Librarian
The molecular repertoire of the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) in the olfactory rosette in most teleost fish is unknown. Here we present the basal transcriptome of the olfactory rosette of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). To investigate its mucosal immune features, we performed a comparative transcriptomic analysis with the gills, one of the most studied organs possessing MALT. Pathway enrichment revealed that cytokine-cytokine interaction and the neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction pathways were at the core of the shared similarity between the two organs. The immunological features of the two organs were further characterised by the overrepresentation of several immune-related pathways, particularly important for pathogen recognition. The immunological differences between the two organs were underlined with the differential regulation of markers for interleukins, extracellular matrix, antimicrobial peptides, and complement. The basal transcriptome of Atlantic salmon olfactory rosette is a valuable molecular toolbox that will advance our understanding of nasal immunity in teleost fish.