The Norwegian Institute of Food, Fisheries and Aquaculture Research is one of Norway’s most successful institutes in terms of obtaining funding for research and innovation projects in Horizon 2020. The Minister of Research and Higher Education, Henrik Asheim, says he is impressed by Nofima's efforts.

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Norwegian research organisations have brought home a record amount of over NOK 11 billion from Horizon 2020. This is according to a press release issued by the Norwegian Research Council.

Research institutes are responsible for almost one third of this amount, and Nofima has been among the most fortunate institutes.

€11.8 million in Horizon 2020

Nofima has brought home €11.8 million from Horizon 2020, which amounts to about NOK 125 million at the current exchange rate.

The SINTEF Group, Simula, NORCE and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health are the only institutes which have received more research funding from Brussels.

Nofima CEO Øyvind Fylling-Jensen is delighted by the results after competing with applicants from all over Europe.

“It’s important for us to be involved in solving major social challenges. International cooperation also helps to increase the quality of our research. It promotes new knowledge, which in turn creates new opportunities for the Norwegian industry,” he says.

Aim to do even better

Nofima currently coordinates five Horizon 2020 projects, and has participated in a total of 21 projects.

Next year Horizon 2020 will become “Horizon Europe”. This new programme will be more comprehensive and have a budget of almost €100 billion.

“The aim is to do even better in Horizon Europe. It’s also important considering the Norwegian authorities’ ambitions for participation and innovation,” says Mr. Øyvind Fylling-Jensen.

“Every reason to be impressed”

Henrik Asheim, Minister of Research and Higher Education. Foto: Hans Kristian Thorbjørnsen

The Minister of Research and Higher Education, Henrik Asheim, says that he is impressed by Nofima’s efforts.

“When it comes to bringing home money for research and innovation from Brussels, we have every reason to be impressed by Norwegian organisations, including Nofima,” says Mr. Asheim.

“Thanks to the EEA Agreement, Norway has access to the world’s largest research and innovation programme. What we receive from participating is both money for important research and access to considerable knowledge and expertise throughout Europe. Cross-border cooperation is essential for finding solutions to the challenges facing us,” he says.

Strategic investment

Nofima was established in 2008 and has less than 400 employees. The organisation’s international focus is strong, and is the result of strategic and long-term investments, according to Fylling-Jensen.

Nofima’s management decided early on to allow researchers to try their hand at responding to Horizon 2020 calls, and consequently they set aside internal funds for international networking. These funds are in addition to the Research Council of Norway’s Support for the Establishment of Project Proposals funds (PES).

“Good networks are essential for success,” says Cathrine Finne Kure, a senior researcher and head of Nofima’s internal EU Group.

The EU Group was created in order to strengthen academic areas and to support researchers who wanted to work abroad.

“These strategic investments have been particularly important for boosting support and motivation. Strong research communities and hard work are also key factors,” says Finne Kure.

Nofima projects in Horizon 2020

Nofima coordinates five and has participated in a total of 21 Horizon 2020 projects. Four of the projects have concluded (see list below).

The aim of the projects is to find solutions to various social challenges associated with everything from sustainable aquaculture and fisheries management to food safety, nutrition and diets.


  • AquaVitae
  • Edulia
  • FutureEUAqua
  • SafeConsumE


  • AgriMax
  • AquaIMPACT
  • ArcticHubs
  • AUTHENT-NET (concluded)
  • ClimeFish (concluded)
  • EU-China-Safe
  • FarFish
  • MedAID
  • NewTechAqua
  • OpenInnoTrain
  • PrimeFish (concluded)
  • VIVALDI (concluded)

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