Family association between immune parameters and resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila infection in the Indian major carp, Labeo rohita
Publication details
Journal : Fish and Shellfish Immunology , vol. 25 , p. 163–169–7 , 2008
Publisher : Elsevier
International Standard Numbers
Publication type : Academic article
Issue : 1-2
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Kjetil Aune
Chief Librarian
Seven innate immune parameters were investigated in 64 full-sib families (the offspring of 64 sires and 45 dams) from two year-classes of farmed rohu carp (Labeo rohita). Survival rates were also available from Aeromonas hydrophila infection (aeromoniasis) recorded in controlled challenge tests on a different sample of individuals from the same families. Due to strong confounding between the animal additive genetic effect and the family effects (common environmental + non-additive genetic), reliable additive (co)variance components and hence heritabilities and genetic correlations could not be obtained for the investigated parameters. Therefore, estimates of the association of challenge test survival with the studied immune parameters were obtained as product moment correlations between family least square means. These correlations revealed statistically significant (p < 0.05) negative correlations of survival with bacterial agglutination titre (-0.48), serum haemolysin titre (-0.29) and haemagglutination titre (-0.34); and significant positive correlation with ceruloplasmin level (0.51). The correlations of survival to aeromoniasis with myeloperoxidase activity, superoxide production and lysozyme activity were found to be not significantly different from zero (p > 0.05). Assuming that the negatively correlated candidate traits are not favourable as indirect selection criteria, the results suggest that ceruloplasmin level could potentially be a marker for resistance to aeromoniasis in rohu. The use of this immune parameter as an indirect selection criterion for increased resistance to aeromoniasis in rohu will, however, require that the parameter shows significant additive genetic variation and a significant genetic correlation with survival. Further studies are therefore needed to obtain a reliable heritability estimate for ceruloplasmin and its genetic correlation with survival from aeromoniasis. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.