Published 2008

Read in Norwegian

Publication details

Journal : Journal of Animal Science , vol. 86 , p. 1089–1095–7 , 2008

International Standard Numbers :
Printed : 0021-8812
Electronic : 1525-3163

Publication type : Academic article

Contributors : Yazdi, Hossein; Sonesson, Anna Kristina; Woolliams, John Arthur; Meuwissen, Theodorus

Issue : 5

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Kjetil Aune
Chief Librarian


This study presents a new method that combines QTL mapping and gene introgression. The effectiveness of this method for simultaneous detection and introgression of a desirable QTL from a donor line into a recipient line was evaluated by simulation. For evaluation, we used the fourth backcross generation of 2 inbred lines. The difference between the 2 lines for the trait of interest was described entirely by 1 QTL, with the donor line carrying the superior allele. Nine scenarios, combinations of 3 heritabilities (h(2) = 0.10, 0.05, or 0.01) and 3 population sizes (N = 100, 500, or 1,000) were considered in the simulation. Selection of parents for the next backcross was based solely upon the estimated probability of carrying the superior allele after a QTL analysis. Estimates of the QTL location and allele substitution effect in most scenarios were comparable to the true values. However (with either small h(2) or N) the QTL allele substitution effect was underestimated, and location was also biased. The SE of the estimates decreased with increasing N. The retained donor chromosome segment and linkage drag were close to the expected values from other published work. In general, combined detection and introgression of genes underlying desirable traits not only saves at least 1 generation, but also it ensures that the desirable QTL is introgressed where its function is simultaneously tested in a planned environment and recipient genome structure.
