Published 2019

Read in Norwegian

Publication details

Publisher : Nofima AS

International Standard Numbers :
Printed : 978-82-8296-592-7

Publication type : Nofima’s reports

Contributors : Mikkelsen, Eirik

Series : Nofima rapportserie 13/2019

Year : 2019

If you have questions about the publication, you may contact Nofima’s Chief Librarian.

Kjetil Aune
Chief Librarian


The report evaluates economic aspects of the capacity increase 2017/2018 for Norwegian salmon and trout farming. It considers the allocation of new capacity between companies with different characteristics, and what explains the variation between them. It also investigates the differences in average auction prices between different production areas. Prices paid for new capacity were considerably higher than previously. Practically, most parts of the process worked very well. A capacity increase process will have several objectives, and some of them will be at least partially in conflict. The effects and balance between the allocation mechanisms used is also considered.
