Flow of nutrients and energy from feed in a land-based smolt farm
Publication details
Publisher : Nofima AS
International Standard Numbers
Publication type : Nofima’s reports
Series : Nofima rapportserie 5/2019
Year : 2019
If you have questions about the publication, you may contact Nofima’s Chief Librarian.
Kjetil Aune
Chief Librarian
The flow of nutrients and energy from feed in a land-based smolt farm with recirculation technology (RAS) was measured in an 88 days trial. During the trial, 303 tonnes of feed were used, 341 tonnes of fish were produced, and the sludge production was estimated to 31 tonnes of dry sludge with 89 % dry matter. Feed, fish and sludge was analyzed chemically, and the total loss of dry matter, fat, nitrogen, phosphorus and zinc was calculated by difference. An unknown part of the losses is dissolved compounds, which cannot be collected by mechanical filter systems.