Use of Collective Trademarks in Consumers' Choice of Foods - Preliminary Results
Publication details
Journal : Økonomisk fiskeriforskning: Ledelse, marked, økonomi , vol. 10 , p. 144–161 , 2000
International Standard Numbers
Publication type : Academic article
Issue : 2
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Kjetil Aune
Chief Librarian
This paper is based on a qualitative pre-study gaining insight into consumer experiences and attitudes towards various collective trademarks (CT) as an on-pack "endorsement" on branded foodstuffs. A CT is a non-company specific symbol certifying that a product has certain characteristics. These marks are used as a differentiation strategy in the food sector. However, according to field interviews and a focus-group study in Norway, CTs presently seem insignificant as regards influence on consumers’ buying behaviour. Findings from in-depth interviews with 11 managers in diverse functions, levels and businesses, and focus-group interviews with 27 consumers suggest prospects and limitations for CTs as an aid to consumers in their decision making regarding choice of branded foods.