Published 2003

Read in Norwegian

Publication details

Journal : Developmental and Comparative Immunology , vol. 27 , p. 569–578 , 2003

International Standard Numbers :
Printed : 0145-305X
Electronic : 1879-0089

Publication type : Academic article

Contributors : Grøntvedt, Randi Nygaard; Espelid, sigrun

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Kjetil Aune
Chief Librarian


The presence of immunocompetent cells was studied in the larval and adult stages of the spotted wolffish, Anarhichas minor. In situ hybridization with a probe complementary to the secretory Igmu-chain was used to localize immunoglobulin producing cells or plasma cells in organs from adult fish and the appearance of these cells in lymphoid tissues during juvenile development. Plasma cells were located in pronephros, spleen, gut, gills and skin of adult wolffish. In juveniles, the first plasma cells were detected in the kidney 1 week post-hatching and the appearance in other lymphoid organs was in the order spleen, gut and thymus. No plasma cells were detected in skin and gills during the sampling period of juveniles (< 10 cm). Our study confirmed that plasma cells are present in both the systemic and mucosal compartments of adult fish but during ontogeny there is an earlier appearance of plasma cells in the gut compared to gill and skin compartments. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.