Solubility and absorption rate of carbon dioxide into non-respiring foods. Part 3: Cooked meat products
Publication details
Journal : Journal of Food Engineering , vol. 70 , p. 499–505 , 2005
International Standard Numbers
Publication type : Academic article
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Kjetil Aune
Chief Librarian
The solubility and diffusion of carbon dioxide into cooked meat products (cooked ham and meat sausage with different pH-levels) was determined at different starting pressures and gas to product volume ratios by monitoring pressure changes over time in a closed chamber at constant temperatures (0, 4, and 8 °C). Good correlation of the CO2 solubility between the packaging parameters (gas to product volume ratio and initial partial pressure) and the meat products water content was found. The solubility of CO2 followed Henry’s law and the initial partial pressure of CO2 influenced the solubility mostly. Only small variations in the diffusion constants and absorption rates were found within the experimental design. A pH difference of 0.5 in the two meat sausage types did not influence either solubility or diffusion significantly.