Santhosh Kumaran Kelathody is a postdoc with Nofima, Norway, in the Department of Production Biology. He works on developing Artificial Intelligence-based methods in relation to Aquaculture digitalization. His research primarily focuses on using computer vision and machine learning for fish welfare. He obtained his PhD degree from IIT Bhubaneswar, India in 2020 with a thesis titled “Computer Vision in Intelligent Transportation Systems: Challenges and Possibilities”. He employed unsupervised learning for moving object detection and tracking, trajectory-based path learning, and used the methods for traffic signal duration prediction in the context of road traffic.

Prior to joining IIT Bhubaneswar, he worked with Huawei Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. for 10 years (2005-2015) and Defence Research Development Organization (DRDO) as a Scientist for around 2 years (2003-2004) after his BTech. During his tenure with Huawei, he has worked in many signalling protocols such as Diameter, Radius, SIP etc. in the role of a developer, technical leader, project manager. In DRDO, he worked on target tracking algorithms using radars.

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Production biology

Cristin See publications in Cristin