Micro MBT
Discovery and training of microbial biocatalysts for biomass conversion using moving bed technology (MBT).
Micro MBT is a project focused on the conversion of low value biomass to products with higher value.
01. Jan 2016
31. Dec 2018
Funded by
EU - ERA-Net Cofund
University of Tromsø, University of Uppsala, Sweden, Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica e Biologica, Portugal
Project Manager(s):
The research focus is production of high value products from a composed bacterial population immobilized on a specific platform by conversion of low value marine biomass.
At Nofima we focus our work on the development of processing methods for low value biomass from fisheries and aquaculture. We study the effect of the type of biomass and the process used on the growth of bacteria and their specific production of various components like small molecules, proteins, enzymes and biopolymers.
The project is coordinated by University of Tromsø and collaborators are University of Uppsala and Insitituto de Tecnologica Quimica e Biologica (ITQB), i Lisboa, Portugal ITQB, university Nova of Lisboa.
In the project we have identified specifically processed low value biomass that can increase growth and expression in defined bacterial populations. In a circular perspective, we also look at expression of enzymes that can again be used to process the low value biomass.
Research facilities