The overall aim with AQUAEXCEL2020 is to integrate the most successful research facilities within aquaculture in Europe. The project shall provide access to easily accessible high quality infrastructures, resources and services, based on aquaculture needs, and by such stimulate to excellent research and sustainable innovations to both private and public sector.

Last update

Read in Norwegian


01. Oct 2015


30. Sep 2020

Funded by

EU - Horizon 2020


22 partners originating from 12 countries. Coordinated by INRA (France)

AQUAEXCEL2020 is an infrastructure project composed by three main activities;

  1. Networking Activities (NA)
  2. Joint Research Activities (JRA)
  3. Trans National Access (TNA)

Societal benefit of AQUAEXCEL2020 is to contribute to sustainable growth in aquaculture. The overall aim with AQUAEXCEL2020 is to integrate the most successful research facilities within aquaculture in Europe. The access to infrastructures is of high diversity and cover all relevant research topics, species and production systems. The project shall offer easily accessible access to resources and services of high quality, based on aquaculture needs.  In this way, AQUAEXCEL2020 shall stimulate to excellent research and sustainable innovations to both private and public sector.

In Norway, Transnational access (TNA) include 4 partners and 9 research facilities, that offer research, free of charge through the project. This will strengthen the facilities as attractive research partners. The «Call for access», are regularly announced, so please follow the new possibilities:

Nofima contributes with the following facilities (see links and files at the bottom of this page):

  • Nofima senter for resirkulering i akvakultur (Sunndalsøra)
  • Nofima Cleaner Fish Experimental Unit Sunndalsøra (CFU)
  • Nofima NNGS-Microbiota: Next Generation Sequencing of Microbiota (Ås)

Prior to AQUAEXCEL2020, the former AQUAEXCEL continued until 2015, and results from AQUAEXCEL will be followed up in AQUAEXCEL2020. At Nofima Sunndalsøra, Nofima researchers did a JRA experiment showing that there are still growth potential within the aquaculture sector. The experiment also showed that tank size matters for fish performance (e.g. growth), and that moving fish between tanks of different size affect performance, and therefore will influence on the research results. These results are important because they show that daily husbandry practices influence performance and research results, and research is essential in the development of the aquaculture industry.
