I am the head of Nofima’s Seafood Division. The Seafood Division is responsible for research and innovation that contributes towards sustainable food production and the sound management of ocean resources.

The research conducted by the Division covers much of the food system which relates to seafood – from catch/slaughter and until the food is prepared for the consumer. The Division has a modern, relevant infrastructure which is designed to solve knowledge assignments for the seafood industry and it covers specialist areas such as the seafood industry, process technology, marine biotechnology, business economics and market research.

I acquired my qualifications as a business economist from the Norwegian School of Economics. Previously I have worked for PwC Consulting where I was mainly involved in working with seafood companies and seafood-related projects during the period 2006 – 2017. I have also worked for the Norwegian Fish Company (2017 – 2020) and Ålesundfisk 2020 – 2022.

+47 952 61 478

+47 77 62 91 39




Cristin See publications in Cristin