Jan Erik Olsen new Research Director at Nofima

Jan Erik Olsen has taken the position as Research Director at the Marine Biotechnology Department at Nofima. His new position includes management of Biotep, Nofima’s pilot facility in Kaldfjord outside Tromsø.
The department’s main mission is to identify and develop high-value components from marine raw materials. Jan Erik Olsen is dedicated to research of residual biomass, including an enhanced focus on circular economy and total exploitation of all harvested resources.
“My main concerns are regional value creation, and I am very committed to entrepreneurship and innovation. Nofima has a perfect position both geographically and in terms of expertise when it comes to marine raw materials. I have previously worked in this industry on research and development within health care and nutrition,” explains Jan Erik Olsen.
Marine raw materials have bioactive components that can be used in many different ways. One example is enzymes utilised in industrial processes.
There are also components that can be used within health care and nutrition. On this type of project, Nofima frequently has close cooperation with partners from industry. Nofima’s goal is to help boost sustainable food production from both sea and land.
Jan Erik Olsen has previously held management positions in Ayanda, and comes from the position as Head of Sales and Marketing Human Health and Nutrition at Zooca – formerly Calanus AS.
He graduated with a Cand.pharm from the University of Tromsø and is replacing Ragnhild Dragøy, who has joined Aker Biomarine.
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Research areas
Residual raw material