I am a senior scientist in a part-time post at the Seafood Industry Department, with a particular focus on live storage of wild-caught cod and capture-based aquaculture. I have practical expertise in production biology in aquaculture, and in research on how the production environment and the status of the individual fish affect productivity in aquaculture. Another area I have been working on for a long time is the coexistence between the aquaculture industry and its surrounding environment, particularly wild fish and fisheries, including the effects on the behaviour, quality and growth of wild fish.

I am a professor of aquaculture at The University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway, with a particular responsibility for teaching fish nutrition. After graduating from upper secondary school with a specialization in aquaculture, I went on to study aquaculture at UiT, with a master’s in aquaculture (Cand. Scient. 1995) and a PhD (Dr.scient. 2001) from UiT, where I studied the effect of feed portions and feed composition on the feed intake and growth in fish.

+47 77 62 92 28



Seafood industry

Cristin See publications in Cristin